Dried Grapes ,Raisins , Currants

supply raisins and currants with Hosnaexport https://youtu.be/b7htQOl4pu0?si=0VhPXewU4eg7NNMc Dried Grape supplier (Raisins) you can find dried grape supplier and importer with this HS code :080620 Iran is one of the major producers of raisins and dried grapes, which in addition to the needs of its domestic markets has been able to export surplus production to other countries. The most famous production centers of this Iranian export product can be considered the cities of Malayer, Bonab, Malekan, Zanjan, Qazvin, Fars and Kashmar, whose export raisins are world famous, the most important types are golden, sultana, Malayer raisins, green Raisins and black currant can be named. More Information about Dried Grapes in: Raisins-Catalogue.pdf BENEFITS OF RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES Raisins contain large amounts of...

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