all of information about extract and thyme supplier

Thyme is one of medicinal plants from IRAN . if you are medicinal plants importer, and if you looking for  thyme supplier ,  we can supply thyme , licorice , cumin seed and coriander seed , sumac and etc  for your company. Hosna export company is Export management company (EMC) and work with producer of this products. We supply directly these products with your company. More Information about Thyme in: Medicinal-Herbs-Catalogue.pdf What is thyme? Thyme (pronounced “time”) is used in a number of cuisines, including European, British, Mediterranean, African, Latin and Central American, regional American, and the Caribbean. Thyme is an herb whose small leaves grow on clusters of thin stems. Thyme is used to season all kinds of dishes, either by itself or as part of a blend or bouquet garni alongside...

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